Shepherds Family Law | Shepherds Family Law and Mediation Specialists
Shepherds Family Law and Mediation Specialists
Availability Diary, arbitration, CLE and DR Training family law, divorce, child support, property settlement, mediation, family dispute resolution, separation, custody, child custody, child access, parental responsibility, parenting plan, parenting order, financial agreement, AVO, international family law, collaborative law, collaborative family law, collaborative practice, family lawyer
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Helping separating spouses,

and their lawyers,

reach good agreements

without going to court.

Separating spouses face many issues.

  • Who gets the house?
  • What’s best for the children?
  • Splitting the super and dividing the assets.
  • What about wills, tax and the debts?
  • What is the best way to solve these issues – mediation, family dispute resolution, arbitration, collaborative practice, lawyer to lawyer negotiations, court?

Matthew Shepherd is an expert at helping separating spouses, and their lawyers, reach good agreements without going to court.

Matthew can advise and act for one spouse, or be a neutral third party assisting both spouses as mediator or arbitrator.


You can call Matthew today on 02 98770877 or email to discuss the best way forward for you.

Call us to discuss your next step.