Dealing with Difficult People
Here is Matthew's article on Dealing with Difficult People published in the Australian Family Lawyer journal of the Family Law Section of the Law council of Australia. Click here. ...
Helping disputing parties reach good agreements can be challenging, but is always interesting.
This blog aims to explore new and interesting ideas about dispute resolution, negotiating, joint decision making and mediation.
We hope you find it useful.
Here is Matthew's article on Dealing with Difficult People published in the Australian Family Lawyer journal of the Family Law Section of the Law council of Australia. Click here. ...
Separating spouses and their lawyers spend a lot of time managing difficult people and high conflict behaviours. It might be clients, the party on the other side, lawyers on the other side, court officers, staff, perhaps themselves. There is a pattern to the behaviours of...
Family law court disputes can be challenging for separating spouses. Many feel anxious, scared, and isolated. Some feel it necessary to explain the proceedings to their family, friends, and beyond. This sometimes includes discussing proceedings online and on social media. However, it is crucial to...
Most family law property mediations result in agreements being reached. Sometimes however parties can agree on many but not all issues. They may have worked very hard sharing information, exploring issues and identifying options. It is a pity for the clients’ hard work to be...
Pre meetings help clients make good decisions at mediation Each party having a separate pre meeting with the mediator allows: Each party to learn more about mediation, tell their story and establish trust and rapport with a mediator. The party can explain their concerns and perspectives...
Ten things lawyers can do that work at mediation Matthew Shepherd Mediator, Arbitrator, Accredited Family Law Specialist Click here for a PDF to download As a mediator I see lawyers use a variety of styles of dispute resolution advocacy. I have observed what works and what does not....
Here is an article Matthew co-authored with Judge Harman of the Federal circuit Court about the new National Family Law Property Arbitration List. ...
Evaluative options when negotiations, mediation and collaboration not appropriate In addition to being a mediator, I am also a family law property arbitrator. Whilst I have a preference for parties making their own decisions through collaborative or mediation processes, arbitration has a place when mediation or collaboration are...
Here is my paper on effective electronic communications between disputants published in The Arbitrator and Mediator journal. This is the journal of The Resolution Institute which is Australia's largest professional association of arbitrator and mediators....
I will be presenting at a free CLE session organized by Judge Harman at the Parramatta Federal Circuit Court next Wednesday evening 25 January 2017. The theme of the session is getting the most (for your clients) out of family counselling, mediation and arbitration. Presenters are: ...