Shepherds Family Law | New and interesting ideas about dispute resolution, negotiating, joint decision making and mediation.
Ideas about dispute resolution, negotiating, joint decision making and mediation.
Availability Diary, arbitration, CLE and DR Training family law, divorce, child support, property settlement, mediation, family dispute resolution, separation, custody, child custody, child access, parental responsibility, parenting plan, parenting order, financial agreement, AVO, international family law, collaborative law, collaborative family law, collaborative practice, family lawyer
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Helping disputing parties reach good agreements can be challenging, but is always interesting.

This blog aims to explore new and interesting ideas about dispute resolution, negotiating, joint decision making and mediation.

We hope you find it useful.

I thought this might be of interest to you. My career as a family law solicitor and mediator has coincided with the rise of the internet and therefore electronic (mis)communication between separated spouses. I have been fascinated by the tendency of spouses in dispute to exchange acrimonious and unproductive texts and emails. As part of my Masters in Dispute Resolution at UTS, I explored the systemic and psychological reasons why separated spouses struggle with electronic communication. I discovered a number of techniques by which people in conflict can communicate more effectively by email and text.